有 关于released by_released方面的知识,小编在此整里出来,给大家作为参考,下面就详细的介绍一下关于released by_released的相关内容。
今天小编肥嘟来为大家解答以上的问题。released by,released相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、release [riˈli:s]vt./ n.释(排)放;解脱;放开;发布(行)Funds may be inadequate or released at the wrong time.资金可能不足,或者使用不当。
2、The Government released details of its new concession on Capital Transfer Tax.政府公布了它对资本转移税所作新让步的细节。
3、All information needs to be updated and released.各种资料应及时收集公布。
4、Anna pressed the button that released the catch of the front door.安娜按了一下电钮,让前门门环松开.As it taxied towards the tug the pilot released his torpedo.飞行员驾机滑向拖轮,随后投了鱼雷。
5、Released kidney lysosomal enzymes may be concerned in the generation of erythropoietin.释放的肾脏溶酶体的酶可能与产生促红细胞生成素有关。
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